1/24/2025 Newsletter

Recipes for Success is a weekly newsletter with recipes for success in your life, career, and kitchen from Sales Leader, Self-Love Author, and Homemaker, Stef Caldwell. Want more? Grab a copy of my debut book, ManifestHer, here.

👋 How to Stop Being A Sell Out

The book I can’t stop telling everyone about is Martha Beck’s The Way of Integrity. The overall theme of the book is this: There is true nature, and there is culture. We are all born with our own true nature, into a culture that may be different. When our true nature clashes with culture, we sell out to culture. This is true for little things like saying “I’m fine” when you’re not even close to fine, and this is also true for much bigger situations like when your gut is screaming “No!” but your culture is telling you “Go!” In today’s article I share about a time I sold out to culture, how it felt, and why I am more committed to the path of integrity as a result of it. Let me ask you this, where in your life have you been guilty of being a “Sell out?”

read >>>

🍹🌶️🏝️ Spicy Mezcal Margs

I’ve been known to make some strong margs. In my opinion, no pool party, beach party, barbecue, smoke-out, or block party is complete without some “might just black you out” spicy mezcal margaritas. Kidding, sort of. While I tend to pour with my heart when I make these, the beauty of sharing recipes is that it forces me to have an -ish recipe for you to follow. Ronnie and I are in Costa Rica this week, making these fantastic margaritas for our friends while we explore this gorgeous place. So for those of you who want to pretend you’re in Costa Rica with us, pour with your heart, for all who are ready to enjoy.

spicy and delish >>>


4 Habits to Accelerate Your Career Success


1/17/2025 Newsletter