This man, and a purple zippy changed my life.

Just before I was scheduled to graduate from University — where I was an over-achieving Honors Student, NCAA D1 athlete, Business Fraternity President, and Tri Delta’s VP of Sorority Recruitment — the place where I’d finally figured out who I was, I found myself overcome with anxiety trying to figure out what to do next.

Life after college??? My time had come — my time to step out of the straights of certainty, off the cliff of coed confidence, into the abyss of adulthood.

To put it lightly, I was sh*tting myself.

At this critical inflection point, this man changed my life when he gifted me my first piece of Lululemon gear. A purple, Lululemon zippy.

A purple zippy, Stef? You’re kidding.

Here’s the deal though: The zippy led me to Lululemon’s website, and Lululemon’s website led me to their goal-setting program, and their goal-setting program changed the trajectory of my life.

Serendipity? Divine intervention? I’ll never know, but regardless, I entered adulthood with SMART goals for the next ten years of my life and a plan for their attainment. With this clarity of mind and commitment to action, I buckled in for the long haul but shocked myself when I woke up five years later, having accomplished each of my biggest ten year goals, five years ahead of schedule.

So back to the drawing board I went, setting even bigger goals for the next ten years. I buckled in again. And I woke up, this time just three years later, having accomplished each of my biggest goals, seven years ahead of schedule.

After seeing so many of my peers stop short of their biggest dreams for fear of failure, lack of know-how, or network, I knew one thing: I had to share my secret sauce... and so, ManifestHer was born.

ManifestHer is the ultimate recipe for success. It’s a peer-to-peer guide for ambitious woman navigating the abyss of adulthood, seeking practical advice for getting out of her own way and into action around her biggest dreams.

If you (yes, you reading this) are feeling stuck and want to get unstuck, start here.

What People Are Saying

"This book will guide you from doubting your dreams to actually living them." Amber Rae, best-selling author of Choose Wonder Over Worry

"Stef urges us to get in touch with what you really desire and move in the direction of your biggest dreams." Lori Harder, best-selling author of A Tribe Called Bliss

"This book will guide you from doubting your dreams to actually living them." Amber Rae, best-selling author of Choose Wonder Over Worry • "Stef urges us to get in touch with what you really desire and move in the direction of your biggest dreams." Lori Harder, best-selling author of A Tribe Called Bliss •