How To Be Magnetic's Authentic Code Process Helps Me Manifest from My Authenticity
I have been a consistent member of the TBM community since 2019 when my friend Kasia Manolas introduced me to Lacy Phillips Expanded podcast after coming to one of our ManifestHer retreats.
What Is To Be Magnetic?
The big idea of To Be Magnetic, aka TBM, is this: At our core we are whole, authentic, and worthy, we were born this way, and we are still this way. The challenge is that as we move throughout the world, our culture and experiences add layers of pain, shame, and programming atop our core essence. These layers bring us out of alignment with our true nature, our soul’s essence, and from this misaligned place we set our sights on ambitions and manifestations that are a response to our programming and not necessarily aligned with our true essence.
Through the To Be Magnetic work which includes journaling, meditations (“DIs” or “Deep Imaginings”), and community, you peel back those layers, identifying, reconnecting with, and healing the parts of yourself that you abandoned through years of layering on pain, shame, and programming, and finally once you’ve realigned with your authentic-self, you set forth on your manifestation journey using your authentic code as a filter for your desires, leveraging expanders to see to believe what you want to manifest is possible for you, and then taking aligned action, while following pings, and tests forward towards your fully realized future.
What Aspects of TBM Have Helped Me Most?
The three things that I’ve found most powerful about The Pathway Membership are doing the Deep Imaginings on a regular basis, re-visting my Authentic Code about 1x per year, and then observing pings, tests, and blocks I have around my manifestations.
Deep Imaginings
My experience connecting with my Shadow and Inner Child through TBM’s Deep Imaginings have been absolutely game-changing. Deep Imaginings are essentially powerful, hypnotizing meditations that encourage you to do things like bring forward your inner child in a moment where they had not a care in the world, they were freely and fully expressing themselves and experiencing great joy. They also ask you to call forward the not so pretty versions of yourself, you when you were really going through a hard time, and were carrying a lot of heaviness or shame as a result of the experience.
As you visualize yourself in these moments, you are called to have conversations with them, discussing what they are going through, and showing your support and solidarity to them, letting them know that they are okay, and safe with you. Essentially you revisit these memories of self, so you can rewire the neural pathways away from pain, shame, and unworthiness, to supported, loved, and healed.
Whether you’ve experienced major trauma, or smaller challenges along your journey, there is so much power in doing this work, as someone struggled deeply with my self-worth in my formative years, being able to revisit that younger version of myself and see her in the ways I wished I was being seen and cared for then feels really good. It’s healing stuff!
Going back to the beliefs of the TBM process, the belief is that these DIs allow us to heal by rewiring our neural pathways, and if we can heal, we can return to our whole, worthy essence, and from this whole, worthiness, we are able to align to our most magnetic, authentic, lives going forward. Every time I do a Deep Imagining, I tap into a different memory living in my subsconscious, and every time I come out of the DI, I feel a great sense of peace.
Authentic Code
Establishing my Authentic Code is something that’s been really important and filtering manifestations through it
The idea of the Authentic Code is central to how you step into your true self and align with your highest potential, as it’s essentially the way for you to understand and write down the unique blueprint that defines who you are at your core, including your values, desires, boundaries, and life path.
The Authentic Code represents the essence of your being and is meant to guide you toward living a life that is in true harmony with your authentic self. How you uncover and understand your Authentic Code is a key part of the journey, the journaling and the meditations you do in the Pathway. While in theory it’s simple to know your values, desires, and personal magic, many of us are completely disconnected from our true essence due to societal programming, family expectations, traumas, or simply limiting beliefs. While the DI’s help you remove these layers of conditioning, ultimately you need to sit down and make a list of your innate qualities, values, talents, and desires.
Here’s my Authentic Code for 2025:
Pings, Tests, and Believing You Are Worthy of The Full List
In my experience, when you set out on the path to achieve a goal, or manifest something you are excited about, you come across it’s-not-exactly-what-I-want-but-it-will-dos and the-perfect-things. Most of us don’t consciously know the difference between the two because we never got detailed enough with our own idea of what the-perfect-thing would be in order to tell the two apart. As a result, we compromise, knowingly or unknowingly for the it’s-not-exactly-what-I-want-but-it-will-dos. The compound effect of a lifetime of these compromises (intentional or not) lead us to lives that are misaligned with our true desires.
In the TBM Pathway, once you’ve rewired your neural pathways through Deep Imaginings, then become clear on your Authentic Code — essentially a filter for anything on your manifestation list, you are now ready to build your list. The list is mini and major manifestations you want to call in. Minis can be anything from a super cute pair of jeans to a new piece of wall art in your budget that you’re obsessed with. Majors might be a new home, or a monumental partnership.
Once you’ve identified a few items for your list, you have to get really specific about each. Jeans? What color? What style? How do they feel when you wear them? How do you envision styling them? What’s your budget for them? How do you want to feel when you see them?
With your list in hand, and detailed specifics for the items on your list… now you follow “Pings” (intuitive hit that signals something to you—an idea, an opportunity, a desire, or even a direction you should explore. Pings are an invitation from the universe guiding you towards a manifestation) and pass “Tests” (challenges arising during the manifestation process that require you to confront or overcome doubts, fears, or limiting beliefs, many times requiring you to feel faced with the choice to either staying true to your Authentic Code or compromising and reverting to old patterns).
I remember when Ronnie and I were searching for a home to buy, we spent nearly 2 years in the market. We had a really specific list of things we wanted in our community, home, and on our property that we wanted to be fulfilled by a single place. This was a tough list of criteria to work with, and we saw many homes that we thought about making a compromise for (Tests!), but ultimately both of us stuck to our guns and believed that we could find everything we wanted in a single home.
I remember the day we found our now-home: it was the Thursday before Labor Day, our bags were packed to head out of town for the weekend, but we pulled up Zillow and boom, we saw this property listing for the first time (Ping!). Despite the home being 2 hours in the wrong direction of where we were headed, we agreed that if we wanted to see it (it met ALL of our criteria), then we would have to see it the next day because we knew it would sell that very weekend. When we saw it, it was everything we were looking for, we made the offer, and by Monday of Labor Day, we were under contract!
Is the TBM Work Right for You?
What resonated most with me when I started the TBM work was three things:
First, the process is backed by neuroscience. Lacy and the team have done a great job of employing smart doctors who’ve informed and elevated the work in the Pathway. As a result of the science-backed approach, and helpful explanations offered throughout of “how it works” I feel like I have a high degree of trust in the efficacy of the work and how it’s impacting my actual brain chemistry. So if you, like me, really like empirical evidence that something works before you jump into it, I’d argue that you’d find that in TBM.
Second, the work is as self-guided as you want it to be. Lacy and the team have done a great job of revamping their digital site with collections of DIs and journaling prompts to make it really easy to make your way through a block or a major uplevel. You can do everything from an easy 15 minute DI before sleep, to an eight-week self-guided unblocking workshop, to a twelve week authenticity challenge with the rest of the TBM community. It’s really flexible, and intuitive and I love that. So if you, like me, have enough self-motivation to take advantage of a self-guided program, you’ll have a heyday going through all the great workshops that await you in the TBM Pathway.
Third, this stuff really works. Lacy and the team are always sharing their own stories, and sharing the stories of people in the community on the podcast. It’s so fun to watch as they all evolve and manifest. It’s fun to look back at my old journal entries and see how far I’ve come as well. You really do need to put in the work to get the results, but when the results come, and you start manifesting from a place of complete alignment, it feels better than you can possibly imagine!
At your core you are whole, and you are worthy. The To Be Magnetic Pathway helps you return to this state of being your whole and worthy self through meditations, journaling, helping you re-connect with your Authentic Code, and then manifest from a place of worthiness and self-belief. The work is backed by neuroscience, it’s self-guided, and it’s worked wonders for me. I hope you decide to give it a try if you connected with anything I shared here.