Red Doors, Yellow Doors, and Glorious Chambers

The Antidote to the Mental Health Crisis — Spiritual Connectedness

When I was a teenager, I really struggled with my mental health. If you’ve read my book, you know my journey, so I won’t belabor it.

As such, the stats on teen disconnectedness, depression, anxiety, and suicide really scare me. If you don’t know, the #1 cause of death for high school and middle school aged children is suicide. Awful. Completely awful. When these same teens are spiritually involved, they are 88% less likely to commit such an atrocity.

So, when I came across this podcast episode between Dr Aliza Pressman’s and Dr Lisa Miller, both professors, psychologists, researchers and authors, on How the Science of Spirituality can be the Antidote to Mental Health Struggles, particularly for teenagers, I had to know more.

Two Meditations to Help You Connect to Source

In this episode, Dr Miller shares a number of ways for parents to engage themselves and their children spiritually. She even does two short meditations that I thought were really powerful.

I personally wanted to be able to revisit these meditations, so I wrote them down in an effort to make them more accessible to me, you, or anyone else you love whom you think could benefit from some connection to source.

Red Doors, and Yellow Doors Meditation

Close your eyes and take five deep breaths with me.

I invite you to locate a time when you wanted something so, so badly. Perhaps a job, a promotion, or something else, something that you worked really, really hard to accomplish.

Now imagine that thing as a red door. You are trying to open this door and it’s stuck. You try to pull it, kick it, should it, but it’s stuck.

Instead, you turn 180 degrees, a hairpin turn and you see a few paces away a wide open yellow door.

And on the other side of the yellow door is someone or something that makes you come alive.

And as you see that yellow door now and think about the extraordinary thing just through it, I want you to think back to the closed red door again, the hairpin turn, and the yellow door. And ask yourself:

Was there someone there pointing you to the yellow door? This is a trail angel, a force of source

Now think to yourself, how many of these yellow door moments have you found by pushing harder through that red door on your own?

Or… have you always found these yellow doors through someone?

Are yellow doors only found through the force of source?

Are yellow doors only found through these trail angels?

Is your higher power found in the yellow doors and through trail angels?

Is it possible you’ve been in a deeper conversation with Source all along?

The point of this meditation is to help our children, our families, our people, believe. For some, it’s hard to believe when you are told to believe, but when we tell the story of our yellow doors, and we invite them to close their eyes and see their own yellow doors, it’s very hard not to feel connected to some higher power.

Are there any stories that you tell over and over again that remind you of your direct connection to Source? Perhaps it’s how you met your partner? How you met ended up adopting your pet? How you got pregnant with your child? How you met your best friend? How you ended up in the field of work you’re in?

There are yellow doors all around us. Remembering our very special yellow doors is a wonderful way to connect to Source ourselves, and help our loved ones connect as well.

When we are in moments of challenge — moments where we are pushing hard on red doors, it can be helpful to remind ourselves that we always think we want red doors, because with red doors all we have to do is use the information we have from today and backwards. All of our hopes and dreams are drvien by historical information.

A yellow door on the other hand, only appears when you are guided as an open system with your awakened heart. A yellow door leads you to new, completely unpredictable information which has yet to, and which needs you, to unfold in front of you.

When you listen to your inner compass, do you feel a pull? Follow that magnetic pull.

What would be possible if you authorized the radical truth of your inner knowing?

Dreams, truths, synchronicities. All are possibilities when let yourself be guided.

The Chamber Meditation

Take 5 deep breaths and clear out your inner space.

Enter a spectacular chamber in your mind.

In your inner chamber, I invite you to set before you a table.

At your table, invite anyone who comes to mind, people whom truly have your best interests in mind.

And with all of them sitting there, ask them one by one, do they love you?

And now, you may invite your highest self to this table — the part of you that’s higher than anything you’ve done or not done, had or not had — and ask yourself, do you love you?

And finally, invite your higher power, whatever word is yours to use, perhaps Source, Holy Spirit, whatever you know, and ask this Holy Spirit do they love you?

And now, with all of these people sitting here, right now, what do they need to share with you?

What do you need to know?

What do they need to tell you now?

Sit in their council for as long as you need.

The point of this meditation is to connect you with your natural awakened awareness, it is your birthright to call on this council and to be guided, and your council is always there for you. You are wired and built to have a deep transcendent relationship with your council and you can always ask them what’s on your heart in this moment and in this journey.

When you are guided, you do not need to be so concerned with a misstep or a wrong move. Remember that any steps are just steps towards yellow doors. Yellow doors are those which you can only be guided through. They only appear when you are guided, as an open system, with your awakened heart. A yellow door leads you to new, completely unpredictable information which has yet to, and which needs you, to unfold in front of you.

If you’re doing this with a loved one, ask them, who was in the chairs for you? And feel free to share who is in the chairs for you.


The content of this was a little off the beaten path of my usual content, but I was SO moved after listening to the episode to share it with others.

I hope if you’ve found this article the meditations have moved you the way they moved me.


July Favs and Finds


“All feelings are welcome, all behaviors are not.”