James Clear quotes living rent free in my head & a challenge for you

There are three people in this world who have punchy writing that I just adore.

  1. James Clear

  2. Kasia Manolas

  3. Jack Butcher (whom I discovered via Kasia Manolas)

If you know me, you know I am a sucker for a quote, a saying, or an analogy. I mainly butcher all of these when I am trying to share them with others.

Today, I wanted to share a few James Clear quotes that I’ve been accumulating, and butchering, as I’ve been telling people about them.

My hope is they light a fire under you, the way they light a fire under me, or encourage you to reframe a problem that you’ve been hemming and hawing over…

“You'll feel better once you get started.” — James Clear

"If you feel resistance before you begin, it's usually procrastination and you need to get started.

If you feel resistance after you begin, it's usually feedback and you need to make adjustments."

— James Clear

"Is the situation actually complicated or is it really quite straightforward, but you're making it complicated because it requires a lot of courage to make the straightforward decision?"

— James Clear

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“I split problems into two groups: muddy puddles and leaky ceilings.

Some problems are like muddy puddles. The way to clear a muddy puddle is to leave it alone. The more you mess with it, the muddier it becomes. Many of the problems I dream up when I'm overthinking or worrying or ruminating fall into this category. Is life really falling apart or am I just in a sour mood? Is this as hard as I'm making it or do I just need to go workout? Drink some water. Go for a walk. Get some sleep. Go do something else and give the puddle time to turn clear.

Other problems are like a leaky ceiling. Ignore a small leak and it will always widen. Relationship tension that goes unaddressed. Overspending that becomes a habit. One missed workout drifting into months of inactivity. Some problems multiply when left unattended. You need to intervene now.

Are you dealing with a leak or a puddle?”

— James Clear

"A simple question that can prevent a lot of future headaches...

What is not being said right now that needs to be said? What problems could be avoided in the future, if only we had the courage to talk about them now?"

— James Clear

“If you want a recipe for unhappiness, spend your time accumulating a lot of money and let your health and relationships deteriorate.”

— James Clear

"Passion is a feeling that follows action. It tends to be created or discovered, not predicted or planned. You don't find your passion. It finds you as you get in the mix and try things."

— James Clear

I could keep going for probably forever with these hard hitting quotes and questions, but I won’t.

Instead, I will leave you with this question:

"When is the last time you tried something for the first time?"

And this challenge:

Open your notes doc on your phone and make a list of five things you've been wanting to try for the first time. Select the one that sounds like the most fun 😊.

Now, go to your calendar and find a day/time in the next month that you will do this thing.

When that day comes, actually go do the thing.

Curious... What will you try? Tell me if you do this. I can’t wait to hear what you try!


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