Stop Lying To Yourself

According to Martha Beck, the left side of our brain is responsible for producing feelings like anxiety. The right side of our brain on the other hand is responsible for grounding us into our physical bodies and experiences.

In this podcast episode ( on the to be magnetic podcast she shares some really useful ideas that I wanted to write down and share.

  • We are all born to our true nature, and then we encounter culture, and when we hit culture and it doesn’t fit our true nature, we sell out to culture. The process of becoming authentic is not letting culture pull you away from your true nature, and following your senses, not consensus more often than not.

  • When you’re fretting, that’s the left side of your brain. You can instantly depart that by snapping into your present space or using / tapping into all five senses. Instead of fretting in the left side of your brain, let your right side show you “I live in a body that is capable of immense delights”

  • Exercise:

    • What is one of your favorite sights? e.g. I love sunsets over Lake Michigan

    • What is one of your favorite smells? e.g. I love the smell of a burning bonfire

    • What is one of your favorite things to touch? e.g. I love the feeling of Charlie’s bare little feet in my hands

    • What is one of your favorite things to taste? e.g. I love to sip a hot peppermint tea

    • What is one of your favorite sounds? e.g. I love to hear piano music playing cheerily

  • Okay, now imagine you are sitting on the beach with Charlie, squishing her cute little feet, while watching the sunset over Lake Michigan, as a bonfire blazes in front of you, you sip your peppermint tea, and cheery piano music wafts through the air.

  • Okay, now think about this… A minute ago, you were fretting and having an anxious moment about something else. Then, just by thinking about these things with your brain you were able to change your focus and transport yourself into this moment of absolute delight. Your brain is powerful, don’t let it lie to you.


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